A new flagship device called the Trezor Safe 5 has been launched by Trezor, featuring upgraded security features and a haptic color touchscreen. Alongside this, Trezor also introduced the Trezor Expert, a personalized onboarding service for new users.

The Trezor Safe 5 was revealed ahead of its launch at BTC Prague, offering enhanced security and usability for managing digital assets. The device comes with a color touchscreen and a Trezor Touch haptic engine to provide a visually engaging interface. Its Secure Element is NDA-free and EAL 6+ certified, ensuring robust protection for sensitive information and cryptographic operations.

One notable feature of the Trezor Safe 5 is the upgraded 20-word backup process, allowing users to transition from a standard Single-share Backup to an Advanced Multi-share Backup. This new method enhances security by splitting the master secret key into multiple unique shares, eliminating a single point of failure. Additionally, Trezor offers a 20-word version of its Trezor Keep Metal solution for $99 to protect backup phrases from fire, water, and physical damage.

Encased in Gorilla Glass, the Trezor Safe 5 comes in finishes like Black Graphite, Violet Ore, and Green Beryl. It supports various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), among others. The device is compatible with the Trezor Suite desktop application and mobile app, providing users with the ability to securely store, manage, stake, and use their crypto assets.

For Bitcoin enthusiasts, Trezor offers a Bitcoin-only version of the Safe 5, focusing solely on Bitcoin-related features. Additionally, the company introduced the unlimited edition of both the Bitcoin-only Trezor Safe 3 and Trezor Safe 5 in a fiery orange shade.

Matěj Žák, Trezor’s CEO, emphasized the importance of the Trezor Safe 5, stating that it provides a secure and easy way for crypto enthusiasts to interact with their digital assets. The device was launched at BTC Prague 2024 along with Trezor Expert, a personalized onboarding service aiming to build user confidence in self-custody.

Trezor Expert offers one-on-one online onboarding sessions for customers, helping them set up their hardware wallets and understand basic security concepts. The service ensures that only the customer knows sensitive information such as wallet backups. Matěj Žák highlighted the importance of Trezor Expert in providing personalized guidance from a trusted brand committed to security.

The Trezor Safe 5 is available for preorder at a retail price of $169 and is expected to ship at the beginning of July. The Bitcoin-only and Black Graphite versions will be available first, followed by the Green Beryl and Violet Ore versions in mid-August. Trezor Expert can be purchased on the Trezor e-shop for $99.

Overall, the Trezor Safe 5 offers a color touchscreen, enhanced security features, an intuitive interface, and compatibility with various cryptocurrencies, providing users with a secure and user-friendly way to manage their digital assets.


Full Stack Developer

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