Developers worldwide, along with major players like Coinbase and Circle, are closely monitoring and responding to various consultation papers and recommendations from regulators, international organizations, and market participants. A recent paper from IOSCO titled “Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset Markets” has failed to acknowledge the importance of permissionless protocols and decentralized projects.

The paper highlights risks and regulatory challenges associated with decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, including liquidity mismatch, market manipulation, and cross-border regulatory arbitrage. However, it falls short in understanding the core concept of decentralized projects, leading to unrealistic recommendations for regulators.

Regulators are urged to shift their perspective and focus on governance structures rather than individual properties of DeFi projects. Countries like Switzerland and Hong Kong are praised for their accommodating regulatory frameworks that support crypto innovation and nurture a culture of entrepreneurship.

As DeFi projects continue to gain momentum, it is imperative for regulators to adapt and create frameworks that not only accommodate but also promote the growth of decentralized technologies. By learning from jurisdictions that have successfully embraced crypto, countries can pave the way for a thriving DeFi ecosystem and shape the future of finance.


Full Stack Developer

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I’m passionate about web development and design in all its forms, helping small businesses build and improve their online presence. I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively helping other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing tutorials for my blog about advancements in web design and development.

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