A recent report by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) highlighted that the circular economy in the Philippines is still in its early stages. While there have been laws and mechanisms established since the 1990s, the impact on production processes and consumption is limited.

The report emphasized the need for a change in attitude towards recycling among consumers and manufacturers to make the circular economy successful in the country. It also called for a deeper understanding at a practical level to drive behavioral change.

One of the key recommendations in the report is collaboration among various stakeholders such as the private sector, academicians, policy researchers, and local government representatives to work towards a more sustainable future.

In response to the call for green initiatives, conglomerates like the SM Group have pledged to participate in the circular economy. Through the SM Green Movement, SM Investments Corp. is actively conserving resources and partnering with small-scale entrepreneurs to promote sustainability and empower local communities through livelihood programs.

One notable initiative by SM is the “Tela tales” project, where pre-loved linens are transformed into beautiful bags with handwoven patterns. Women from communities near SMHCC hotels in Tagaytay and Nasugbu have been trained to weave these bags, with designer and social entrepreneur Zarah Juan leading the program.

The “Tela tales” project not only provides an additional source of income for the women involved but also serves as a bonding moment where they share their life stories while weaving. The initiative aims to transform lives one linen at a time and promote sustainability through practical means.

Additionally, SM has engaged in the repurposing of used tarpaulins through the Tarp Project, another aspect of its sustainability efforts. This community-driven program involves cleaning, cutting, printing, and assembling the tarpaulins into functional bags with the help of local artisans.

Proceeds from the sale of these eco-friendly products will be donated to youth and education programs by the SM Foundation, further contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future.


Full Stack Developer

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I’m passionate about web development and design in all its forms, helping small businesses build and improve their online presence. I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively helping other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing tutorials for my blog about advancements in web design and development.

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