China Announces Removal of Preferential Tariffs on Taiwanese Imports

In a recent development, China has declared that it will be eliminating preferential tariffs on over a hundred imports from Taiwan. The decision comes as a response to Taiwan’s alleged discriminatory practices against goods from the mainland.

A list shared by Beijing’s Customs Tariff Commission highlighted that the special rates will no longer apply to 134 goods, including machine tools and industrial chemicals. These new tariffs are set to go into effect on June 15.

Tensions between China and Taiwan have escalated following the inauguration of Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te. China conducted a massive two-day military drill around the island and issued warnings about the possibility of conflict.

Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office criticized Taiwan’s discriminatory practices and the Lai administration. The spokesperson, Chen Binhua, emphasized that pursuing “Taiwan independence” would not lead to peace or development.

In response to China’s decision, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council called for constructive dialogue and urged Beijing to refrain from economic and trade pressures. The council emphasized the importance of communication to address issues and find practical solutions.

While China has historically been Taiwan’s largest trading partner, the United States has recently surpassed it due to increased demand for microchip products and AI technology. Beijing has placed trade restrictions on Taiwanese goods during times of heightened tensions.

Last year, China banned mango imports from Taiwan, citing biosecurity concerns. In 2021, imports of pineapples from Taiwan were also suspended after alleged pest discoveries, leading to criticism from Taipei, which viewed the move as politically motivated.


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I’m passionate about web development and design in all its forms, helping small businesses build and improve their online presence. I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively helping other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing tutorials for my blog about advancements in web design and development.

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