Git, a version control system, is the go-to tool for developers everywhere. In this quick guide, let’s cover some basic commands that every developer should know.

git init

→ Initializes a new Git repository


add <files>

→ Adds files to the staging area.


git reset

→ Undo the changes to the local files, and restore to the last commit.


git diff

→ Displays the difference between files in two commits or between a commit and your current repository.


git log

→ Used to view the entire commit history.


git commit -m “message”

→ Used to commit files (locally) on the repository.


git clone

→ Used to download existing code from a remote respository.


git branch

→ Used to list all the local branches on the machine.


git branch

→ Used to create a new branch locally.


git branch -d

→ Used to delete a branch.


git branch -m

→ Used to rename the current working branch.


git merge

→ Merges the provided branch with the current working branch.


git checkout

→ Used to switch from current branch to another one.


git checkout -b

→ Creates a new branch and switches to the new one.


git push

→ Used to save all commits to the remote repository.


git pull

→ Used to pull down all the updates rom the remote repository.


git rm

→ Used to remove a file from the working directory.


git stash

→ Used to temporarily remove uncommitted changes.


Full Stack Developer

About the Author

I’m passionate about web development and design in all its forms, helping small businesses build and improve their online presence. I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively helping other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing tutorials for my blog about advancements in web design and development.

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