Dutch Authorities Arrest Suspect in ZKasino Decentralized Gambling Platform Scam

The Netherlands’ Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD) has announced the arrest of a 26-year-old individual believed to be involved in the ZKasino decentralized gambling platform scam. Speculations within the crypto community suggest that the arrested person may be the pseudonymous founder of the platform known as Derivatives Monke.

Following the arrest, Dutch authorities revealed the seizure of assets, including digital assets, real estate, and luxury vehicles, with an estimated worth of around 11.4 million euros ($12.2 million). This development marks a significant turn in the ZKasino fraud case, where investors suffered losses exceeding $33 million in Ethereum. The platform initially promised a 30-day investment return guarantee but redirected users’ ETH to the Ethereum-based liquid staking protocol Lido, with no intention of refunding the funds, according to Dutch authorities.

During the investigation, FIOD collaborated with cryptocurrency exchange Binance’s Financial Crime Compliance and Investigations Team to secure millions of euros in cryptocurrencies. Dutch authorities have assured that the stolen funds will be restituted to the victims, emphasizing the importance of victim cooperation and sharing relevant information for ongoing investigations.

The crypto community, particularly on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), has welcomed news of the arrest as a positive step towards recovering their funds and achieving justice. Discussions in a chat group created by ZKasino victims indicate a willingness to assist law enforcement agencies, with expectations that other culprits will be apprehended.

One user, identified as Pursuit of Profit on Telegram, expressed confidence in Dutch intelligence services, stating, “The Dutch intelligence service are monsters! The best out there, now that they got him in custody and seized his electronic devices, they will locate every one of them involved in the scam based on digital footprints from communications etc. Just wait for it.”

The authorities continue to investigate the case, and victims are encouraged to cooperate and provide any necessary information to aid in the process.


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