Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, recently expressed his concerns about the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States. In a conversation on the decentralized social media platform Warpcast, Buterin highlighted a regulatory dilemma that he believes is hindering the growth and integrity of the industry.

He pointed out that the existing regulatory framework often allows projects with vague promises and unclear potential returns to operate freely, while projects that provide clear information about returns and define investor rights are classified as securities and subjected to strict regulations.

Under the leadership of chairman Gary Gensler, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been actively pursuing lawsuits to classify cryptocurrencies as securities. Most recently, the SEC sued Consensys, alleging that its MetaMask wallet’s services violated securities laws.

Critics in the crypto industry have accused the SEC of using lawsuits to create regulations, rather than going through the proper legislative channels. In fact, in April, the Blockchain Association and the Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas filed a lawsuit against the SEC for regulatory overreach.

Buterin described the SEC’s approach to crypto as an “anarcho-tyranny,” which he believes incentivizes the creation of “useless” products and services. He called for a shift in the regulatory approach, proposing that projects without a clear long-term value proposition should be considered riskier, while those with transparent plans and adherence to best practices should be protected.

Buterin emphasized the importance of collaboration between regulators and the crypto industry to achieve a regulatory framework that promotes transparency, accountability, and sustainable growth. He has consistently advocated for clear and fair regulations that support genuine projects and protect investors from fraudulent schemes.

His latest comments underscore the need for balanced regulation that fosters innovation while ensuring investor protection. Buterin’s insights continue to be influential in the ongoing discussions about the future of crypto regulation.


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